It has always been an interest of mine to consider the nuances involved in my encounters with others, those that are nourishing and even those that are more distasteful for some reason. In recent years, my interest has broadened to include encounters with animals, nature, books, movies and now, online conversations with people who I treasure yet may never meet.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Thank you, Madeline, for inviting me to participate in the Look Challenge. The premise is to find a passage in your story or book that contains the word, ‘Look.’ After posting the passage on your blog, we then offer the invitation to 5 other blogging authors. This is a great way to share with others those blogs that are flavorful, interesting and fun to visit. Madeline Sharples’ blog can be viewed at If you have not read her poignantly raw yet heartfelt memoir, LEAVING THE HALL LIGHT ON, the post on her blog, Choices, is a poem excerpted from the book.

 The excerpt with the word, ‘look,’ from my memoir, ADVENTURES IN MOTHER-SITTING, comes from Chapter 9, Where Did My Mother Go? Dementia.

 'By the end of Care Bear year 2, I began to consider that dementia might have provided my mother with some end-of-life gifts in the process. Every moment of Mother’s wakefulness had become fresh and new for her; she had begun to see through the eyes of a child. I can honestly say that the last 2 years of my mother’s life was full of so many moments of joy for her. Regardless of those painful instances due to falls, cuts, tiredness or bodily aches, Mother’s joy literally erupted from her in response to many visual situations.

While riding with me in the car, Mother’s eyes were looking for birds that were sitting on those high electrical wires. ‘Look, look at them, Dody!’ she would say, pointing at the birds. I loved those moments for two reasons: one, my mother remembered my name in such a split second of brain connection. Two, her joy was infectious! Mother never saw that, sometimes, those ‘birds’ were simply pieces of moss attached to the wires. They were birds to Mother so I just played along, captured by her joy.’

The Look Challenge is being extended to 5 authors who have written treasured novels, each unique in their own way. More importantly, I treasure their friendship. Perhaps we shall meet one day. Julia Hughes, author of 3 intricate and fantastical Celtic Cousins’ Adventures; and a deeply moving romance, Bridle Path. JT Therrien, author of Down By Contact (published soon!), which I cannot wait to read! Jan Romes, author of several romantic novels, including the delightful and zesty, Stay Close, Novac! Flick Merauld, author of several romantic novels, including the captivating and quirky, The Aunt Sally Team. Maria Savva, author of several drama-based novels, including the engaging and insightful, Coincidences.


  1. This excerpt from Adventures in Mother-Sitting is especially poignant. I can see your mother's joy. Thank you for sharing it and for taking the Look Challenge.

  2. I love this excerpt from your book; your mum's joy and eagerness to share, and your insight into your mum's 'look'. Heartwarming, and thank you for sharing,

    Julia Hughes

  3. Great excerpt from your book, Dody :-))

  4. Very nice excerpt, Dody. It brings back fond memories of your wonderful memoir. Thank you for posting it and for including me in the Look Challenge. I 'look' forward to posting something soon and will let you know when the post is up.
