It has always been an interest of mine to consider the nuances involved in my encounters with others, those that are nourishing and even those that are more distasteful for some reason. In recent years, my interest has broadened to include encounters with animals, nature, books, movies and now, online conversations with people who I treasure yet may never meet.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Perspective on Christmas

Grateful this year for everyone whose path has intersected with my own.

                      A Christmas Poem

  In the weeks before Christmas, I’ve run to and fro...

not bothered too much by the rain or some snow.

‘Tis the season you see when I gather some gifts…

as gestures of love though now mostly for kids.

Sometimes it’s a pain ‘cause it’s one of those days…

when a ton of the worries snarl the thoughts in my brain.

At the end of such days when I rest for a while…

some scenes come to mind that finally bring on a smile.

I got bumped and then shoved when I picked up those gifts… 

then next heard apologies, got smiles – unexpected lifts.

My giggles start then and laughter breaks out…

as I suddenly realize what Christmas is all about:

No matter our worries or frantic pursuits….

Our bumps into each other are part of *God’s loop.

A bump then a shove that results in a smile…

is one way that *God’s love gets shared for a while.

 *God of your understanding



  1. A lovely sentiment beautifully expressed:)

    1. Thank you Julia - May snow fall soon to make your day...
      With sons & dogs, fun times at play.
      A very merry Christmas - a wonderful New Year ahead.

  2. So sweet & Christmas-y, Dody! You put so well all the nicest parts of the days leading up to Christmas Eve/-Day. Lovely poem! :-}

    1. Thank you, Nikki - A muse needs rest, some time to restore...
      the time to gather snippets, write a new score.
      Merry Christmas - hope your New Year is a great one!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Helle. Means a lot, coming from you xx
